- Type
- Public Company – DCC.AX
- BTC Balance
- 431.7
- Last Updated
Market info as of :
- Share Price
- $0.02 (A$0.04)
- BTC per Share
- 0.00000047
- Market Cap
- $21,876,036
- Enterprise Value
- $27,528,419
Since first reported BTC balance on :
- BTC vs USD
- +903%
- Stock Price vs USD
- -62%
- Stock Price vs BTC
- -96.2%
DigitalX Limited provides blockchain product development and digital asset funds management services in Australia. It operates through Blockchain Consulting and Development, and Asset Management segments. The Blockchain Consulting segment offers consulting, technical due diligence, and design and development solutions to businesses. The Asset Management segment operates digital assets portfolio under the DigitalX Fund and DigitalX BTC Fund for high net worth and institutional investors. The company was formerly known as Digital CC Limited and changed its name to DigitalX Limited in December 2015. DigitalX Limited was incorporated in 1988 and is headquartered in West Perth, Australia. (Source: Yahoo Finance)
Stats Over Time
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Balance Sheet History
Click on each row for more details.
431.7 | +431.7 | $6,182 | A$0.08 |
- Date
- BTC Balance
- 431.715
- Cost Basis
- None provided
- Sources
- Notes
"Digital assets were measured at fair value using the closing price per Coin Market Cap ( as at 30 June 2018."
- Fair Value in USD: 2,764,706
- Close price on CMC: 6,404
- Submitted By:Â