- Type
- Public Company – BTCS
- BTC Balance
- 78.53
- Last Updated
Market info as of :
- Share Price
- $1.16
- BTC per Share
- 0.00000486
- Market Cap
- $18,762,884
- Enterprise Value
- $20,790,166
Since first reported BTC balance on :
- BTC vs USD
- +207%
- Stock Price vs USD
- -29%
- Stock Price vs BTC
- -76.9%
BTCS Inc. focuses on digital assets and blockchain technologies. The company secures disruptive next-generation blockchains and operates validator nodes on various proof of stake-based blockchain networks. It also develops a proprietary Digital Asset Platform that allows users to evaluate their crypto portfolio holdings across multiple exchanges and chains on a single platform. The company was formerly known as Bitcoin Shop, Inc. and changed its name to BTCS Inc. in July 2015. BTCS Inc. was founded in 2013 and is based in Silver Spring, Maryland. (Source: Yahoo Finance)
Stats Over Time
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Logarithmic Scales
Limited Datapoints
Balance Sheet History
Click on each row for more details.
78.53 | +78.53 | $20,185 | $1.59 |
- Date
- BTC Balance
- 78.534
- Cost Basis
- None provided
- Sources
No links provided